Tuesday 22 March 2011

AS Coursework "Alice In Wonderland" - Development Pieces

These are two of the development pieces that I produced in order to inspire ideas and imagery for my final piece. In both of these pieces I was exploring the abnormality of "Alice In Wonderland" as it was a theme that I wanted to include in my Final Piece. The first I created by beginning with a small area of print work, which was a form of media that I had been experimenting with. From this I worked out of the print section using acrylics to create a composition of imagery relating to the "Alice In Wonderland" theme, which included the playing cards, the Mad Hatter's hat and the March Hare's pocket watch. This then led me onto my second development piece. I had been looking at the artists Maggie Taylor, who has created photo realistic paintings of scenes within "Alice In Wonderland", this inspired the me to create my own distorted, abnormal version of the Mad Hatter's Tea Party scene, which featured imagery from the Tea Party being poured from a peculiarly large teapot and then disappearing down the rabbit hole. I  also incorporating the distorted reflection from my earlier observational painting, to further the abnormality. I found the perspective in the piece quite difficult but I am pleased with the results. I created this using acrylics on canvas which I thought worked well as it created an almost cartoon like, animated style of painting.

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