Tuesday 22 March 2011

AS Coursework "Alice In Wonderland" - Final Piece

This is my Final Piece for my AS level Coursework. Throughout the project I had been exploring the abnormality of "Alice In Wonderland", this had led me to the artist Jenny Saville who paints images of typically un-aesthetically pleasing figures as well as people with deformities and irregular body features. Inspired by her work I wanted to encapsulate the idea of deformities and abnormalities within my Final Piece through the study of the female form. However, I wanted to subvert the stereotypical idea of female beauty by creating a deformed figure, but one  whose deformity is of  something traditionally seen as beautiful. Using the imagery from my development pieces and research I created this composition, featuring an "Alice" character with the deformity of flowers protruding from her body. I chose to include flowers as they are commonly used objects to symbolise beauty, and they are an image that is frequently referred to within the story of "Alice In Wonderland" and were also included in my development piece. I created this piece using watercolours as I wanted to create a soft, graceful feel to the painting. 

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